Attendees: Denise, Heather, Karen (Christopher's sister), Lisa, Raven, Rhonda, Tania, and Tina.
Due to having so much to do this summary is going to be short, sorry!
We discussed Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn first. We all liked the book and thought that it was a page turner. We also thought that the wife was a psycho and wished that the husband would have done something to her instead of staying with her.
Next a few of us discussed Stoner by John Williams. It sounds like it was a very well written book, but a little depressing. I just want to let everyone know that I just got my email today from the library saying that my e-copy is ready. Of course it would be ready the day after book club! I do think that it is pretty cool that you can check out a book from the library onto your Kindle or other e-reader device (I checked for our next book and it isn't available).
We discussed gardening, marriage, kids, jobs, gameshows and we hope Denise gets on the one she auditioned for, and I can't remember what else. It was fun though!
Here are the details for the next book club:
When: Wednesday 11/14/12 at 7pm
Where: Rhonda's house
What we are reading: A Sense of Direction by Gideon Lewis-Kraus
Hope to see you then!
p.s. Rhonda made some delicious lox!