Attendees: Callah, Christopher, Denise, Heather, Lisa I., Michelle, Rambo, Rhonda with appearances by Anderson, Cooper, Nathan, and Raven :)
First, I want to say a HUGE THANKS to Rhonda for always hosting book club and providing us with some yummy food and wine. I am super grateful that you do this and I am happy that you always have cheese on hand for Nathan! Denise, thank you for bringing the kale chips. They tasted awesome! If anyone is interested in reading about Denise's gardening adventures click here.
Onto to last night! We discussed the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua. There was consensus that Amy went a bit too far with how she raised her daughters. Telling them she was going to burn their stuffed animals was a bit much! Lisa brought up the fact that she really didn't like how Amy generalized Western parenting and Chinese parenting. Amy made it seem like the Western way to parent was too "relaxed" (I can't think of the right word). Lisa also brought up the fact that Amy contradicted herself a few times with the way that she was parenting. Lisa brought up some good examples, yet I can't remember what they were right now, sorry! We also wondered how much of the book was true and what was exaggerated. We also wondered what the husband's take on all this was because all we read in the book was that they agreed that Amy would parent her way. We did read that he sometimes would think that Amy was going overboard, but it would have been interesting to hear his point of view. We also wondered how the girls' relationship with their mother is going to be in the future with her raising them like this.
We did talk about how some of us wished that our parents pushed us harder to do things and we didn't think that the girls were going to regret that they knew how to play piano and violin really well. I told the group that when Nathan turns three in about a month we are planning on starting him on the piano and Callah suggested that we do a minimum of three hours a day :) I don't know how Amy did it because all of her time was consumed with work or her kids. I can't imagine that she had much free time to herself. Overall, it seemed like most people didn't like the book. I actually didn't care for her parenting, but I thought that the book was interesting and a very fast read. In the words of Rambo, "She wasn't hard enough." (Well he said something along those lines!). As always, there was more discussed about the book, but again the details escape me and I am trying to get in as much as I can before the baby wakes up! Christopher and I also left early to get the boys to sleep and missed the end of book club.
For our next book club we are meeting Tuesday May 3rd at 7pm at Rhonda's.
We will be reading two books! The first book is Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer Christopher just read this book and raved about it. It talks about the "art and science of remembering everything." Hopefully, after we all read this book we will all have much better memories!
The other book that we will be reading is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. I have heard good things about this book and I am looking forward to it.
I hope to see everyone at the next meeting!
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