Book Club Recap 5/21/14
Those in attendance were Heather (via Skype for a short time) Alissa, Lisa I, Michelle S, Tina, Julie and me, Rhonda. We missed Tania, Michelle B and the cast of characters that no longer show up. You know who you are.
The book we discussed was Tinkers by Paul Harding.

The consensus was that although the writing was pretty brilliant, the book should've been a short story as no one was really enraptured by the actual tale.
It was a story about a man near death who was recounting his life which was commingled with his dads life too. There were no obvious breaks between where his character and his fathers were being described, so you really had to be on your toes and concentrate on what you were reading. To me there was some stream of conscience type writing going on which made it more challenging to follow but we did all agree that it was a pretty accurate in regards to end of life type behavior.
Heather noted and we all agreed that hallucinating definitely takes place at the end of ones life as a few of us have been there.
Hallucinating was part of what made this book a bit of a challenge to follow, which Julie pointed out could've been a conscious decision on the authors part. Good point.
This opened up a discussion of the whole idea of crossing over from life to the other side of life. There was some discussion of other books we have read about clairvoyant people and their experiences.
I, for one, do believe that there are people among us with a gift for seeing into the afterlife of others. Now before I cross the line to complete whackadoodle, I will move on.
We also spoke about the dangers of multitasking regarding forwarding of emails to inadvertent recipients. One of our members accidentally sent an email intended for a work associate to one of the owners of the gym we go to. Suffice it to say that poor Joe can never unsee the picture of the big pink dildo with some sort of g spot attachment that was on said email. This book club member produces a relationship/sex radio talk show so while the email WAS appropriate to a co worker, it was a shocker to Joe.
Alissa, thank you for bringing the tarts to book club. They were delicious. Some of us who were down on Taps Burger Bar, are going to give it another try thanks to your recommendation and those tarts.
The book we will be reading next was Michelle's choice. The title is The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.

I've heard great things about the book and look forward to reading it.
Our next meeting is June 16th and Tania has the next pick.
I look forward to seeing everyone at my house on Monday the 16th.
Alissa we would love to see pictures of your Hawaii trip! Have a wonderful time.
Lisa, we hope Boston was fun.
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