Friday, November 18, 2011

Book Club Recap 11/15/11

Attendees: Denise, Heather, Lisa I., Raven and Rhonda

There wasn't a huge turnout at book club, but it was still a lot of fun! Rhonda and I were the only ones that finished the book, but there was still plenty to talk about. We all thought that the book was a page turner and very interesting. We talked about how amazing it was that Henrietta's cells have been used for so many things and how they are everywhere! It was also really eye opening to find out that if any part of your body is taken out during surgery, it no longer belongs to you and you have no rights to it, but doctors and scientists can do whatever they want with it. We all thought that it was very sad that Henrietta's family was dirt poor and so uneducated and yet their mother's cells were doing so much for the medical field and her cells were making a lot of money, which the family did not get one penny from. We talked a lot about this book and the issues that it brings up with a lot of stuff regarding studies done to people and racial and gender issues. We all liked the book and if you haven't read it I think that you should!

After the book talk we talked about the crazy run/obstacle course that Rhonda is doing this weekend. Rhonda told us a very funny story about doing some Burpees and yelling at someone (you'll have to ask her!). We also talked about what the Valley and Los Angeles was like when Rhonda, Denise, and Lisa were younger. We talked about Denise and Rambo's backyard and all of the craziness that has gone on with the big dumpster! We are looking forward to when their yard is done so that we can all see it! Raven brought some cupcakes from the place that won the Cupcake Wars this year and they were delicious! Lastly, Rhonda already has her Christmas decorations up!

Here are the details for our next book club:
When: Tuesday 1/10/12 at 7pm
Where: Rhonda's house
What we are reading:
1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

Happy Reading!!!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Book Club Tomorrow Tuesday 11/15

Hi Book club peeps!

Just a reminder that book club is tomorrow!

Hope to see you there :)


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Book Club Recap 10/18/11

Attendees: Addie, Callah, Denise, Heather, Lauren, Lisa I., Rambo, Rhonda, & Tina (I think that I got everyone, but I may have missed someone and I am sorry!)

Sorry that this recap has been so late! I have been busy, busy, busy!

Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin was our first book that we discussed. There were mixed feelings about this book. Some of us really liked it and some of us just thought that the book was okay. Callah said that the book was very predictable and I agreed with her. We all did agree that the book was a fast and easy to read book. We all felt really bad for Larry and for him having to take the blame of two crimes that he did not commit and the life that he had to live because of it. I can't remember what else we talked about it :(

Love and Other Impossible Pursuits by Ayelet Waldman was the other book that we read. There were only a few of us that read this book and we didn't really care for it that much. The main character was really self-centered and not a great heroine. I felt like the author was kind of writing about herself in the book and I would be interested to see if she is really like that. Lauren said that they made a movie out of the book that stars Natalie Portman and the movie wasn't good either. The book was easy and fast to read, which made it easier to get through.

After discussing the books we discussed many many things and had some good laughs. A lot of the laughs were because of Rambo and Rhonda. I have to say that since book club I have been much better about flossing more often :) We also learned that Rhonda and Tina are crocheting now and Rhonda brought out a scarf that she had finished. Lisa was able to make the scarf look very nice! Book club was a lot of fun and it was so nice having Tina there, even if it was because Denise guilted her into coming!

Here are the details for the next book club (which is fast approaching!)

When: Tuesday November 15 at 7pm
Where: Rhonda's house
What we are reading: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
I do have to mention that Christopher was on a walk and saw a brochure on the ground that said that Rebecca Skloot was at CSUN on 10/18 giving a free talk about the book :( I'm really bummed that I didn't know about it and I missed it!

We also decided to not meet in December because of everything that is going on, but we will be meeting in January and we have already picked a book because it is a long one and we need a lot of time to read it!

When: Tuesday January 10, 2012
Where: Rhonda's house
What we are reading: 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

See you soon!
