Friday, December 19, 2008

Book Suggestions

Hi! I'm just putting this entry in so we can all make book suggestions as comments to this...


Christopher said...

The Ghost In Love, by Jonathan Carol

I read this book in three days (WEEK days no less!) and LOVED it! It's hard to describe easily, because there are lots of twists and turns, and I would hate to tell too much about the book up front for fear of ruining it. But the first paragraph from Publishers Weekly is a good start:

"Death is not the end but rather the start of a series of madcap and sometimes moving adventures for characters in this spry novel about the un-afterlife."

rhondeev said...

Who is ready for our next meeting?
I know I am.
I know Valesca is too.
How about these possible dates:
Feb 7 or 8
Feb 14 0r 15
Feb 24

Anonymous said...

The only day I'm available is the 8th but I haven't even read the book yet so I'm not sure it matters when I'm available.