Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Book Club Recap 6/8/10

Attendees: Christopher, Heather, Lisa I., Michelle, Rhonda, Valesca, with appearances by Cooper, Nathan, and Raven :)

We first discussed the book/journal The Artist's Way. Rhonda told us that Callah is doing a great job at following the advice in the book and that she is taking a lot of classes to "enhance" her artist! Great job Callah! Rhonda said that she has stopped doing the Artist's Way because she was very hostile at the author for making her write three pages a day and Rhonda didn't have the time to do that. Valesca is going through "the program" and is working on writing a feature film. The rest of us haven't done it.

Next we talked about Switch by the Heath brothers. Rhonda, Christopher, and I read the book. Rhonda and Christopher thought that some of the ideas in the book were really helpful and were things that they could apply to their jobs. Rhonda has even implemented some suggestions the book has to her work situation (like no phones in meetings). I didn't think that the book was very applicable to me because it mostly discussed situations that applied to companies and not stay-at-home moms. All of us enjoyed the book.

Now we got to the good stuff! This is when we discussed all of the non-book club goings on. I will just let you imagine what we talked about :) I will let you know that Rhonda is already thinking about what to do for her 50th birthday party and was thinking of possibly doing some destination birthday! Sounds like a lot of fun!

We would love to see everyone else at the next book club!!!! Julie, you will be here in spirit :)

Our next book club is Tuesday July 6th, 2010 7pm at Rhonda's house.

We will be reading two books (or one or zero if you don't have time, but still want to come!). They are: Little Bee by Chris Cleave and The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint by Brady Udall

Hope to see everyone there!



Heather said...

So I was just looking into these two books and I like to get my books from the library, but Little Bee has a wait of 200 people, yikes! I don't think that I would get it in time. Then I saw that The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint is about 430 pages! I thought that it was shorter than that. Little Bee is about 300 pages. I know that I will only be able to get through one book in a month. The Edgar Mint book doesn't have a wait at the library and you can get this book slightly used at www.thriftbooks. com for under $5 (includes free shipping).


rhondeev said...

So lets read The miracle Life Of Edgar Mint this time and we can read Little Bee next time.
Don't want to overload people with two heavy books in a short time.
Look forward to seeing you all early July.