Friday, November 19, 2010

Book Club Recap 11/16/10

Attendees: Addie, Christopher, Heather, Lisa K., Rhonda, & Valesca with appearances from Anderson and Nathan.

When Christopher and I got there it was only Lisa and Rhonda. We talked about baby stuff and passed Anderson around. Then we discussed The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series and what we liked about the books. We all liked the three of them and found it hard to remember exactly what was in one book versus another. It was mentioned how we were a little sad when the last book was finished because we knew that there would not be anymore of the story. Addie came around this time and Christopher and I had to leave to take care of the little ones :(

Valesca showed up later and it sounds like more was discussed about the Dragon Tattoo books. I believe that only Lisa read One Day. Rhonda and I are both reading it now and are enjoying it. I find that it is a little like When Harry Met Sally.

The next book that we will be reading is Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King Christopher was thrilled to hear that we picked a Stephen King book because he loves him!

Next book club will be on Tuesday December 28th at Rhonda's house.

Rhonda, if any of this is wrong please let the rest of the group know :)



rhondeev said...

I also finished one day and enjoyed it. You're right, it will make a nice movie. I have never read Stephen king so I look forward to it. On my iPad the book is 900 pages long. Wtf is that about? Look forward to discussing both books at the next meeting. We miss you Julie.

Heather said...

I finished One Day too and I liked it. I felt the ending was a bit predictable...On IMDB it says that the movie will be out next year and stars Anne Hathaway as Emma. For some reason I thought that Lisa had said that Anne Heche was going to be Emma and I kept thinking that they did a horrible casting job :) Rhonda, on my kindle Stephen King's book doesn't look that long and then on Amazon it says that it is 348 pages. I wonder why your iPad has it as 900 pages?

rhondeev said...

Okay I was aiming to have book club tomorrow December 28th. Two problems. 1) The Aedo family won't be back from vacation yet. 2) It is Denises birthday and she probably has better things to do.
Let's shoot for book club on Tuesday, 1-4-11. It'll be a great way to kick off the New Year. Also, please bring suggestions for our next read. Look forward to seeing everyone then!~

Unknown said...

Rhonda, so sorry to have missed your party. I was stuck at work and my heart sank as it got later and later... :-( I was so looking forward to the lamb. I think the book you suggested at last book club would be good. "Unbroken" It's number 1 on Amazon and the reviews are all basically 5 star. It seems great.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, see you soon....xo